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Supabase Requests

Wized has a native Supabase integration, which makes it easy to make requests to your Supabase instance.

This integration acts as a wrapper for the Supabase JavaScript client library, @supabase/supabase-js, enabling you to interact seamlessly with your Supabase instance.

Our integration provides a rich set of functionalities to interact with your Postgres database, manage user accounts, handle file uploads, and much more.

You can even subscribe to real-time updates.

How to get started?

To start using Supabase in your web app, you first need to add it to My Apps.

Adding Supabase to My Apps in Wized

There, you will be prompted to provide the following information:

  • Supabase URL: Your unique Project URL
  • Supabase key: Your API key — anon public

Supabase API Settings

You can find this information in your Supabase dashboard, under Project Settings > API.

Supabase Methods

Wized offers a variety of Supabase methods to cater to your data management needs.

These methods are designed to simplify your interactions with the database, user management, and real-time updates.

Here’s a quick overview of the methods available:


Subscribe to real-time option

When you're configuring Get List requests, you have the option to subscribe to real-time updates.

This feature keeps your app in sync with your database changes instantly, ensuring your data is always up-to-date.