Event Actions
Event actions allow you to listen to global events that are not element-specific and trigger after-actions when these events occur.
This boils down to Trigger event > Execute After-action.
Event Actions are often used, but not limited to:
- Access control — protect pages from unauthorized users
- Orchestration of requests — trigger multiple requests in a particular order
- Redirecting — redirect the user after a successful request
Event Triggers
The following events are currently supported:
- Custom Condition: perform actions when a custom condition is met.
- Attribute Present: perform actions when an attribute is present on the page.
- Request Finishes: perform actions when a request finishes.
- Page Starts Loading: perform actions when a page starts loading.
- Page Finishes Loading: perform actions when a page finishes loading.
Event After-Actions
- Perform request: perform a request after an event occurs.
- Set cookie: set a cookie value after an event occurs.
- Set variable: set a variable value after an event occurs.
- Navigate to: navigate to another page after an event occurs.
- Run function: run any arbitrary logic when an event occurs.