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Firebase Requests

Wized has a native Firebase integration, which makes it easy to make requests to your Firebase app to perform CRUD operations on Cloud Firestore.

Firebase is a popular Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) that provides a real-time database. It is a NoSQL database that stores data in JSON-like documents.

How to get started?

Creating a project in the Firebase console

To start using Firebase, first, you need to create a project in the Firebase console. You'll see a screen similar to the one below.

Firebase console

Click on the Add Project button and follow the on-screen prompts. Not much customization is needed for this sample app, so just clicking on continue for all steps with the default settings will be okay.

Adding an app to your project in the Firebase console

After successfully creating a project, you'll be presented with this screen where we should add our app. Firebase console successful project creation

Since what we are building is a web app, we will click on the </> button, which will give us a set of credentials to use in Wized.

You'll then give it an appropriate name, and on the step of adding the Firebase SDK, we will choose to do so via script tags.

Copy the firebaseConfig values for use in setting up the Firebase app in Wized. Firebase console config

Setting up Firebase in the Wized configurator

In the Wized configurator, go to My Apps, then click on the + button to add an app. Give the app an appropriate name, and under the App option, choose Firebase.

Next, transfer the data from the Firebase config copied earlier onto Wized. If you lost access to the Firebase config, you can always find it in the Firebase project settings.

The final result will be as below: Firebase console

Creating Cloud Firestore

After creating an app, we'll need to add a database to store our data, and that is where Cloud Firestore comes into play. Check out an example below of creating the Cloud Firestore and manually adding a document to it.

Securing your database

Firebase implements security rules to protect your data. It is very important that you take the time to understand how to write these rules to ensure your data is secure. Otherwise, anyone can potentially read or write to your database.

Check out the Firebase documentation for more information.